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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Maps | Academic Year 2024-25


Year 3 

Year 5


Year 2

Year 6

Year 1

Year 4

Our Curriculum

At Villiers Primary School, we believe that an inclusive education means providing all pupils with the appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The curriculum is all the planned activities that our school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of additional opportunities that the school organises in order to enrich the experiences of our children even further. Our curriculum includes the social aspects that are essential for life-long learning.


Our ethos and vision are at the core of everything we do and believe in at our school. Our ethos of Work Hard. Be Kind, underpins our whole school approach to behaviour and teaching and learning. Our whole school vision of inclusion, diversity, raising aspirations and preparing children for their future beyond our school are the driving force behind our ever-evolving curriculum design. Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values.

We want our pupils to be outstanding learners; to be happy, take risks and enjoy all the opportunities that our school offers.


All staff consistently demonstrate high expectations of themselves and their pupils; through their understanding and application of the 2014 curriculum objectives, which have been personalised, to meet the needs of Villiers pupils and community. All stakeholders including; governors, staff, parents, the community and our pupils were consulted to ensure that our curriculum is inclusive, diverse and meets the needs and interests of all learners.

Following on from these consultations, our subject leaders have then created a series of guidelines and schemes of work designed to aid the delivery of the National Curriculum. These consist of thoroughly detailed progression documents which have then been broken down into long and medium term plans. These documents are used by our staff when planning to ensure consistency, progression and a balance of learning from Nursery to Year 6.

Our curriculum is monitored closely by subject leaders alongside SLT to ensure it meets the National Curriculum objectives and that work evidences the vocabulary, knowledge and skills needed for our pupils to excel in all areas of school life. Subject leaders are proactive in delivering feedback and support to develop their subjects further. Continual CPD opportunities are provided on a whole school and individual basis to ensure that teaching and learning standards and progress remain high.

We aim to make learning exciting, engaging and enriching for all children, ensuring that every child is challenged to be the best version of themselves that they can be. We deliver teaching and learning through exciting topics, which are delivered each term or half term, as well as offering a wide range of after school clubs in order to support and extend learning.

Parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress three times a year in the autumn, spring and summer terms. We also send home progress reports in the autumn and spring terms. In the summer term parents then receive a more detailed written report. In addition to this, yearly curriculum maps and topic knowledge organisers are shared on the website, via Teams and Marvellous Me to ensure that parents are fully aware of the curriculum coverage at our school.


Using book trawls, learning walks and pupil conferencing throughout the year we constantly monitor the impact of our curriculum design. Coverage and progress are accurately assessed through careful analysis of the application of knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Children develop their understanding and use of the correct topic vocabulary, knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding in each subject.

Our children make good progress during their time at Villiers Primary school and we are proud of their academic achievements. Assessments at the end of each phase are:

· Foundation Stage. At the end of Reception, based on classroom observations,


· Key Stage 1. At the end of year 2 children are assessed as part of their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). This takes place in their last term of year 2, within their normal classroom environment and will consist of a variety of tasks set externally and assessments by their own teacher.

During the summer term, children in year 1 take part in a phonics screening check to assess their progress in this aspect of reading.

Parents are informed of their child’s results.

· Key Stage 2. At the end of Key Stage 2, children in year 6 will sit statutory national tests in English and Mathematics. Levels achieved by the children in the tests, together with the teacher’s assessment across the subject for the year are reported to parents.

In year 4, children will take part in a statutory multiplication check. The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently. It helps our school to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

Schools will have a 3-week check window in June to administer the MTC. Teachers will have the flexibility to administer the check to individual pupils, small groups or a whole class at the same time.

We are proud of our children’s academic results in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 but these do not reflect all aspects of our children’s achievements. We have talented artists, sportspeople, scientists, historians and computing experts. Through our curriculum, our children develop a respect for other cultures, moral values, reflectiveness and good social skills. Our school is a happy place to be where we are driven by our ethos of Work Hard, Be Kind.

What our children say about our curriculum:

‘‘I enjoy my lessons because I get to learn new things and we do fun activities.’’

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Villiers Primary School.

Created by Squirrel Learning

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 If you require any additional information, or a paper copy of any of the information found within this website, please contact:

Mrs S Williams

Tel: 01902 558993



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West Midlands

WV14 6PR

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